No Big Surprise This Week On American Idol
Kristy Lee Cook Is Eliminated 4/16/08
FOX Wednesday 9/8c
Kristy Lee Cook Is Eliminated 4/16/08
FOX Wednesday 9/8c
Ryan Seacrest started the elimination process by putting the AI contestants in 2 groups on the stage. First one out was Jason Castro, followed by David Cook starting seperate groups (trouble for one favorite or another!)
Carly Smithson was called out next and she immediately told Simon that he has been hard on her. She was sent to join Jason Castro.
Kristy Lee Cook came out and was sent to David Cook's group (assumed to be safe by the audience). Kristy Lee did call Simon "a bit of a butt-head, sometimes", when asked about his critiques.
Break for Elliot Yamin to sing. Elliot looks great and sounds much better than he ever did during American Idol. He sings with great confidence now, and has much greater stage presence with his new look. Elliot had a message written on his palm to his mother who just passed away.
Syesha Mercado was called out after Elliot's performance, she was sent to join Jason and Carly.
Brooke White came out next to join David Cook and Kristy Lee Cook.
Everyone was waiting to see what group David Archuleta would join. My guess is that Ryan will embarrass David A. by telling him to stand with the group he thinks he belongs in. I don't know why Ryan thinks this is funny, like their is not enough tension between these kids.
After another break, another American Idol Q&A with the World Wide Web.
Then a performance by Mariah Carey singing Bye, Bye. Nobody seemed too into it.
Ryan finally calls David Archuleta to the stage, and simply pronounced him safe.
David Cook was then told to swap with Syesha and join Jason Castro and Carly Smithson.
Then Ryan did exactly what I said, asked David A. to pick the group he belonged in. David shyly sat down, and stayed seated in the middle even when Ryan told him which group to join. So the group joined David in the middle of the stage.
Syesha Mercado, Kristy Lee Cook, and Brooke White are the bottom 3 (as it should be).
Syesha was immediately proclaimed safe.
Leaving American Idol tonight is Kristy Lee Cook.
Before she even knew, Simon told her it was her time. "At least I made it passed the Top 10", answered Kristy Lee.
For More American Idol
Kristy Lee Cook is a douche bag.