TV Review Pages

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Adam Nominates 2 House Guests for Eviction

Adam's Second HOH and Nominations
CBS Sunday 8/7c

Tonight's Big Brother was about James' breakdown. Isolated in the BB9 House with no alliance, James finds himself an emotional mess.

The Food Competition tonight was very easy with the BB9 house guests building pathways with mash potatoes. Then pouring gravy down the pathways to fill a tube. In addition to food, the house guests won some outside toys(?) and a grill.

As the show went on, we got to see a softer side of Adam. He reminds me of a friend of mine. You don't think that he is understanding half of what you are telling you, but he really is listening. When James later broke down again to Adam in the HOH bedroom and Natalie got involved, Adam started crying too. He tried to explain to James that it was nothing personal, the entire house just wants James evicted. So Adam made a deal (that may have sealed his own fate).

At the Eviction Ceremony, Adam explained that he based his decision on who appeared to want to stay in the house more. Adam nominated Sharon and Sheila.

Sheila immediately congratulated Adam for being the "biggest jerk in the house". (Way to get people on your side!)

Adam explained that he knew the entire house wanted James evicted, and every Head of Household (the last 3 in a row) has put James on the block. James has won the Power of Veto 3 times in a row thwarting the house plans.

Adam said he was fast forwarding in time to assume that James has already won the POV. If anyone else wins the POV Competition, then it is understood that James goes on the block and gets evicted on Wednesday night.

I thought this was a smart play by Adam. If James wins the POV Competition, Sharon will go home. But Adam's alliance of Ryan, Natalie, and Sheila are furious with Adam.

We shall see how it all plays out on Tuesday night!

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