TV Review Pages

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SYTYCD Contestants Dance 6/25/08

So You Think You Can Dance
Joshua and Katee Close the Show With a Samba
Wednesday 8/7c 6/25/08

The night started with Twitch and Kherington (aka 'Twitchington') and an incredible Hip Hop routine. I am not sure if they were doing Hip Hop or Crumping, but either way it was a hard-hitting routine that got you into it. There was a lot of acting involved and all was comically done. Twitch was perfect for the part, but Kherington more than held her own.

Nigel Lythgoe - "I'll start with the positive, I loved it... you danced it well, great routine. Now for the negative... I can't think of anything!"

Mary Murphy - Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm

Next up was Courtney G. and Gev, with a Rumba. It was much more down and dirty than last weeks attempt from Marquis and Susie. The judges all seemed to really enjoy it as well. Gev continues to surprise everyone.

Comfort and Chris came out with a dance from which genre, I'm not sure (it was supposed to be Jazz). It was based on an African routine by Tyce Diorio. This was a disappointing routine, great music but not much dance going on in a together kind of way. It started out very cool, but fell apart in the middle and never regained itself.

Nigel Lythgoe - "... it wasn't animalistic enough for me"

Mary Murphy - "... it should have been more raw"

Jessica and Will took on a Doriana Sanchez disco routine next. Jessica had problems in last week's routine so shae needed to step up this week. She still looked pretty choppy to me, but I ain't the judge. Will just looked too good in that white Tux! The judges would have torn up any other couple with this many obvious errors, but they Love Will.

Nigel Lythoe - " ... there were 2 or 3 areas where it went wrong, but you carried it off"

Mary Murphy - "... there were mistakes, but you carried it off"

Adam - "... I thought the routine was really great"

Matt and Kourtni L. were up with a Contemporary routine by a new choreographer, Sonja. It was very weird and more like a Hip Hop routine on toe. I really hate when a choreographer does not take advantage of the talent they are given.

Nigel Lythgoe - "Sonja did a great job with that. This is so quirky... that's why I liked it... do I think the public will get it, no..."

Mary Murphy- "Sonja, there was something weird going on in your head and on that stage... and I'm buying it! ... it was terrific!"

Adam - "... when they talk about people who are supposed to dance, they are talking about you guys..."

Chelsea T. and Thayne took on the Quick Step. Their lines were gorgeous throughout the dance. The judges seem slightly against this couple, so we will have to see how they call it. It looked good to me, there is not much you can do with the Quick Step.

Nigel Lythgoe - "... you didn't show your personality, it was like someone put bandaids on your mouths and drew teeth on them... it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... you both better get your solos ready"

Mary Murphy - "... it was OK, the entrance was really good... I have to compare you to previous contestants... "

Adam - "... the end dip was great, you went for it"

Next up were Chelsie H. and Mark with a Hip Hop routine choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon. Very cool, but I don't know why they dressed him in a business suit and her all baby ghetto. Anyway, it was a cool dance.

Nigel Lythgoe - "... I am loving Tabitha and Napoleon, glad they came to the 'real' dance show... brilliantly choreographed and danced"

Mary Murphy - "... I have to agree... I really believed the struggle going on up there"

Adam - "... that was AWESOME!"

Dancing last this evening are Katee and Joshua with a Samba. Let's see, will it be hot? yep, very, very hot. Joshua did the best for the guys so far on Latin dancing. I think they missed a lift, but kept on. It was really good.

Nigel Lythgoe - "... very good both of you... Katee, you didn't over do any movements... Joshua, ... I'm not sure who poured you into those pants, did you get those buns from your father (who stood up and showed Nigel his buns!)"

Mary Murphy - dog's could barely hear her pitch. " Hot tamale, yes it was!"

Adam - "That was competing, that was some serious competing... you guys really know how to end the show, thank you"

Well, after tonight"s SYTYCD the bottom three may be: Chelsea and Thayne... Comfort and Chris... and Kourtni and Matt may be in trouble. If you love these 3 couples, I would vote for them, a lot!

If you are voting for the best couple of the night, well that would have to go to Joshua and Katee with a dirty little Samba!

Now go Vote!

Stay tuned for videos!

For More So You Think You Can Dance click here!

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