TV Review Pages

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Head of Household CBS Sunday 8/7c

Sheila Finally Wins HOH By Cutting Deals With Ryan & Natalie
Sunday CBS 8/7c 4/13/08

BB9 started tonight where it left off on Wednesday, with the house guests hanging in glass boxes for the HOH Competition.

There was a small part showing Natalie's newest discovery in numerology. Natalie noticed that James got evicted on week 9, it was the 63 day in the BB9 house (6+3=9), and this is BB9 and the it's the end of James' 9 lives! Maybe she is onto something!

After only 8 minutes Sharon, the only BB9 house guest that truly needed Head of Household, had to drop out due to back pain. Left in the boxes were: Sheila, Ryan, and Natalie.

Adam and Sharon decided to go into the BB house at the same time, giving the 3 other house guests time to make a deal to let Sheila win HOH. Natalie suggested that she and Ryan stay up for a little while longer so Adam and Sharon wouldn't think they had a deal.

Ryan dropped after a little over an hour, Natalie then began chatting about what she should do and "what would Jesus do?"

Everyone quietly told Natalie to drop, but still she hung on. Finally, at the 3 hour mark, Natalie dropped after getting a public agreement with Sheila.

Sheila won Head of Household for the first time in Big Brother 9.

Everyone in the BB house understood that the Nomination for eviction this week would be Sharon and Adam. The real plan became back dooring Natalie at the POV Competition.

The plan is: Ryan wins POV and uses it to take Adam off the eviction block. Sheila has no choice but to put up Natalie as the only remaining house guest eligible for eviction. Then let Natalie think that she is the pawn to get Sharon out. Vote 2-0 to evict Natalie from the BB9 house.

Will it work?

For everything you need to know about Big Brother click here!

For Spoilers Click Here! (Warning! These are Spoilers for BB9!)

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