TV Review Pages

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Greatest American Dog: Bill and Starr Are Expelled

Andrew the Incredible Maltese
CBS 8/7c 8/27/08

Laurie has established that small dogs, namely Andrew the Maltese, can do anything that a big dog can do. Sometimes a lot more. The Reward Challenge involved an elephant. Each dog had to remain in a circle drawn on the ground while a trained elephant came right up to them. Andrew the Maltese never even flinched. Travis and Presley were also successful with this part. To break the tie between Andrew and Presley, the elephant would charge (a very slow run) at the dogs, first butt off the ground lost. Presley chickened out first. What an incredible feat for both Andrew and Presley (a Boxer pup).

Laurie won the dog bone suite and a leg up in the final competition of the night, a major obstacle course. The hardest part was the end jump on a zip line, so the dog had to essentially jump into nothing. Man, that's tough.

First up were J.D. and Galaxy (Border Collie mix) with a stellar, as always performance. Galaxy did everything she was asked, even the jump on the zip line to J.D.

Next up were Teresa and LeRoy (Border Collie). I was worried for this pair, only because Teresa tends to worry and get Leroy worked up in a barking frenzy. Her 'play' voice always works better (which is weird). But Leroy did every trick, including the zip line (finally!)

Bill and Star (Brittany Spaniel) were up next and took a shallower ramp set up for Andrew. Completely understandable for a 12-year-old dog. Star would not jump off the zip line either, also understandable for an older dog. Star seemed to look at Bill from the top like, "I'm not jumping this. Those puppies might, but they are stupid!"

Travis and Presley did well, and Presley completed all of the course. It was hysterical watching the bulky Boxer pup jump on the zip line. He did marvelously, but Travis was chastized for getting him too excited during the course. Praise is necessary, but the dog must remain in training mode.

Laurie and Andrew went last. Andrew went up the extremely high climb (for the 5lb Maltese), but refused to jump. Laurie did well not to stress him too much, though the judges said he still exhibited 'stress behavior'. Well, duh.....he was looking for an easier way to get to Laurie.

This was obviously the toughest elimination for anyone, as they all knew Bill and Star were the obvious choice. When it happened, all cried and the judges said they loved both Bill and Star. We all do, and wish both Bill and his 'orange' dog the best of life!


  1. Bill and Star you are America's greatest! The fact that you were expelled from this show, just shows that the judges were not looking for the dog that met the title of the show. The things that your dog was ask to do had nothing to do with "Greatest American Dog". A elephant coming up to a dog, a dog painting. Please the title should have been "Dogs funniest actions". We are very proud of both of you!!!

  2. Yes, Bill and his 'orange' dog are something very special!
