TV Review Pages

Thursday, August 28, 2008

BB10: Michelle and Ollie Leave in Double Eviction

Michelle and Ollie are Evicted From BB10 House
CBS 8/7c 8/28/08

Michelle was the first to leave the BB10 House in a double Eviction night. She somehow managed to hold her trashy mouth quiet during the Julie Chen interview, God help The Morning Show! Michelle made a fool of herself, once again, by stating that she knew Dan is plant. Julie corrected her, pointing out that he may be the best player ever. Julie said Michelle was sitting with her because her House Mates wanted her out, no other reasons! Nice Julie!

Ollie should have been removed from the BB10 House, but due to some neat editing by BB10 producers his entire fit of destruction was limited to the viewers. Live feeds were even cut. Now who is the plant? Oh, and Ollie, please take off the Iowa State shirt, you do not represent the Cyclones!

Keesha won the quick HOH Competition in a tiebreaker with Jerry. The funnest part was watching Keesha try to do math during the tie break. The nominees should obviously be Jerry and Ollie. This should be quick!

Ollie was totally unimpressed with the whole process. He sat glaring in his Eviction seat as the live audience laughed!

Power of Veto Competition was so easy it was stupid. Finding a huge POV symbol in a haystack (okay, 2 POV symbols). Dan won in record time and the studio audience cheered! They will cheer again, I'm sure as Ollie walks out the door next.

The studio audience laughed as Ollie stood before Julie even finished reading the 3-0 voting results. He said good-bye to no one, just walked out. He told Julie that he wasn't upset with Dan, just confused. Apparently no one explained to Ollie that it was a game. Julie explained that it was the same back door that Ollie gave Brian in Week 1 of BB10. He still plans to date April, good luck with that if she saw any of his actions in the last week. Then to turn around and be all nice and humble around Julie Chen..... I did not think anyone could make me give a tiny bit of respect for Michelle, but at least she is true to herself (good or bad).

No new HOH Competition, don't know what that is all about. Keesha now sits with nothing to do but suck up the HOH air.

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