TV Review Pages

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

America's Got Talent 2010: Quarterfinals for YouTube Talent

The 5th week of quarterfinal competition on AGT 2010 ended tonight with the YouTube contestants taking the stage. Here are the 12 acts and the judges comment.

1. Plutonic - singing group
Great voices in this acapella group, and I must say I did not expect the rap from this group of geeky white dudes. They did it justice...except I could understand the words (first time for a rap song for me). Piers oughta like that he can understand the words too.

Howie Mandel: "... regardless of whether you like acapella or not, you are talented... I think people would go see something like this... and I think the name is perfectly fitting because I think those are the type of relationships you will have with the ladies."

Sharon Osbourne: "...your performance was really good guys... however I hate acapella groups..."

Piers Morgan: " are indisputably geeks... you are incredibly cheesy... but I liked it"

2. Dylan Plummer - acrobatic jump roper
Dylan Plummer can jump rope! It was a cool act and a different one. He might have missed a couple of jumps but it was fun to watch.

Howie Mandel: "... you had a couple of misses there didn't you need tome to perfect it..."

Sharon Osbourne: "... very quick feet you've got... the transition is great.. you did very well..."

Piers Morgan: "...I was pretty surprised... I was waiting for you to make mistakes so I could buzz you and you didn't..."

3. Pup - accordian playing dog act
Pup was a rescue dog purchased for $50 and now has hit the AGT stage. Pup decided to listen to his owner play instead tonight. He tried to get started, but when a strap fell, he quit. Pup did stand there and listen intently to his owner though. Howie gave them a standing ovation, Piers buzzed them.

Howie Mandel: " don't see things like this... it was perfect..."

Sharon Osbourne: "...everything was against you tonight... I think that strap hurt Pup... he should be performing again because of technical hitches..."

Piers Morgan: "... I 'x-ed' you.. for ten seconds he was great... if Pup had continued we may have had a new sensation..."

4. Cam Hodges - singer
His guitar was much louder than his microphone for his voice, but it was a pretty good performance once he got going. I don't think he is better than Michael Grimm though, but he can take Nate Kenyon out. His voice was a little shaky at the end.

Howie Mandel: "...when you hit that big note, you made it your own...I think you've got a shot to go farther than this..."

Sharon Osbourne: "...very strong voice...your guitar playing is pretty good too..."

Piers Morgan: "... does it feel like you hoped it would? wasn't perfect...there were parts of that performance I thought were really good..."

5. Ryan Rodriguez - dancer
No doubt about it, Ryan can dance. The act was a little chaotic, but it was decent. Piers buzzed before things even got started. The problem is that Ryan seemed to tire out part way through so what might have been great was only OK.

Howie Mandel: "... I was interested to see what it is... I don't know what it're very good at it, but I don't know what 'it' is..."

Sharon Osbourne: " are a great dancer...what you need is a group of other people..."

Piers Morgan: "...I don't think it's dancing...I preferred what I saw on YouTube...for me a little bit boring..."

6. Austin Anderson - comedian
Austin did not have a good night on AGT. Most comedians don't. Piers buzzed him after the first texting-while-driving joke "am I hitting potholes or deaf kids, I don't know..." eek.

Howie Mandel: "... it's really hard... I think you have stage presence... not everybody has FaceBook... make it about what you're doing now..."

Sharon Osbourne: "...I think Howie is was the wrong material..."

Piers Morgan: "...there's an easier way of saying're not funny..."

7. Booker Forte - hip hop dancer
Booker is a good dancer, but he's no match for Haspop. Having said that, he is a good dancer. Just not ready yet. Piers buzzed him.

Howie Mandel: "... we want to find that one gem... you've got to explode... I didn't see anything special in that..."

Sharon Osbourne: "... your moves are great, but I've seen it all before..."

Piers Morgan: " was a nice job... you didn't really do much... you stayed in a small's a problem when some of your backing dancers are better than you..."

8. Pizza Patt - pizza shop owner/dough thrower
It may sound corny, but it can be fun to watch. Piers Morgan is pissed that he's even on the show, that's reason enough for me to like it! Piers buzzed him right at the beginning.

Howie Mandel: "... the truth is the fire brings it to a different level... I don't know if it's great... I don't know if it's dangerous, I suppose you might get a yeast infection..."

Sharon Osbourne: "... I think this is a new from of juggling... it's different..."

Piers Morgan: "... I just don't see the point of it...had you come on and made me a nice marguarita I might have enjoyed it... it's not an act..."

9. Kristina Young - singer
Kristina has a pretty good voice, the act was a little too karaoke for me. There are tens of thousands of good voices out there. I didn't see the stage presence for AGT or a big audience.

Howie Mandel: "... you look beautiful... it's hard when you do a Carrie Underwood song...I think you were good..."

Sharon Osbourne: " you and I think you've done very well..."

Piers Morgan: "...I think you do not have a good enough voice to win this competition...however it was pretty exceptional given where you've come from ..."

10. Maestro Alexander Bui - pianist
Out to prove that "music is more than Lady GaGa", I'm all for that. This piano prodigy is definitely talented and seemed to enjoy himself. Even after Sharon threw him an early buzz. Not sure what you expected from a classical pianist Sharon. He delivered what he promised.

Howie Mandel: "... it's amazing the ability you have... especially at your age...I thought you were younger..."

Sharon Osbourne: "... I think that a magnificent pianist.. it was boring for me.. I think if you had chosen some classical pop music...I was bored..."

Piers Morgan: "...we are a talent show and he is without a doubt the most naturally talented person we've had on the show... you are a brilliant pianist..."

11. Dan Sperry - magician
Well there was a weird chalky lifesaver involved... and he was dangerously close to Howie Mandel. Then out came the dental floss, which he proceded to floss his neck with... and the lifesaver came out on the floss. Maybe the best part was him flinging the dental floss on or at Howie. The leap he made over Sharon into Piers was amazingly funny.

Howie Mandel: "... it's not funny [to the giggling Sharon]... I liked you over there, and then you came over here..."

Sharon Osbourne:*laughing too hard at Howie to talk*

Piers Morgan: "...Dan Sperry, you are hereby charged with the attempted murder of Howie Mandel... well done!"

12. Jackie Evancho - singer
This 10 year old opera singer is truly a talent. Jackie was the winner of the most popular votes for the YouTube competition. Wow, the voice of this little girl gave me chills. Serious talent.

Howie Mandel: "... you know what ...all we want to do is find that one gem and you know what...this is that moment..."

Sharon Osbourne: "...when you first started to sing I thought is this a was amazing..."

Piers Morgan: "...are you sure you're not 30? I know what's going to happen here, we are going to wake up America is going to be in love with this little girl.

So who do you think will make the final cut for the AGT 2010 semifinals? Leave a comment and a shout out to your fave!

Copyright @ 2008 TV Review

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