The group number returned to start the show. That was the first mistake. Singing a medley of rock & roll hits did nothing to help this group of ranging voices. Last week we got to hear duets, it should have stayed that way.
Russell Brand (@rustyrockets on twitter) was shown giving the Idol hopefuls tips on stage presence. Had he done it last week maybe Pia Toscano would still be in the competition. I don’t think so though, the Idol judges tried to help her every week. Showing his character (and likely pissing off his handlers) Brand did not even pimp his new movie “Arthur”…. oops, I guess I just did for him. Damn you Russell Brand! When Paul McDonald asked how to loosen up on stage (like he needs to!) Brand simply said, “crack!”
It was time to start the drama. Ryan called out Casey Abrams, Stefano Langone and Lauren Alaina to the center of the stage. Lauren was immediately sent to safety and into the top eight. Casey and Stefano huddled together as they did just a couple weeks ago. This time Casey was sent to safety. Stefano Langone was the first to take his stool o’ shame in the bottom three.
Constantine Maroulis returned again to the Idol stage. Tonight he took on “Unchained Melody” and lost. Clay Aiken will continue to reign as the king of this song. I think Constantine is lucky Simon Cowell was not present for this performance of his favorite song. Actually I think Constantine should have been voted off of Idol again tonight for this one.
Out came Ryan Seacrest again with his envelop of results. This time he called out Paul McDonald, Pia Toscano and Scotty McCreery. We all know what happened here, though I really thought Paul was in trouble. Scotty was pronounced safe first, then a stunned Paul earned his ticket to the AI top eight. Pia took her seat in the bottom three. She actually did not look shocked. I was shocked, but not saddened.
We saw the Idol season 10 hopefuls get schooled in handling the media by none other than Harvey Levin and his gang at TMZ. It was a funny bit, but I’m not sure why we had to see it. Harvey told them “do not get arrested,” then gave them style advice in case of a mug shot. Hey it was better style advice than Gwen Stefani gave the Idol ladies last night. Maybe they should be the mentors of fashion.
Finally the last three of the top nine were called to center stage: James Durbin, Haley Reinhart and Jacob Lusk. Ryan reminded Lusk of his comments last night, he looked ready to eat those words. Haley and James were told they were safe and Jacob took a stunned seat in the bottom three with Pia and Stefano. Stefano looked absolutely crushed, like he knew his fate.
Things got very strange as Iggy Pop came on the Idol stage for a live performance. This guy was nasty looking and too crazy 25 years ago… now he’s really nasty looking and even crazier. The Idol producers should not have been shocked by his shirtless performance. Booking Iggy Pop on a family show is just wrong on so many levels. Iggy did a scary performance of “Wild One” that had the censors working over time. At one point they had to block the entire screen and bleep him at the same time.
When it came time to tell us the final elimination, Jacob Lusk was sent to safety first. Stefano stood nodding his head and was all but ready to say good-bye when Ryan announced that Pia Toscano would be the one leaving Idol tonight. Boos went up from the crowd in shock. Poor Stefano. JLo cried as she said she didn’t know what happened.
Here’s what happened. Pia is a great singer, but boring boring boring on stage. Though she did an upbeat song last night, she still did not engage the live audience at all. The guys are running around slapping hands and singing to specific girls in the audience. That’s how you get votes on American Idol.
Ryan said she was too good to not let her sing one more time so he put Pia on the spot and asked her to sing something. He then asked Randy what she should sing. Yeah Ryan, he’s the one who told her to sing the upbeat song last night. That didn’t work out too well. Randy told her to do whatever she wanted, so she went with the ballad (gasp) “I’ll Stand By You.” Then really burst into tears as the show ended.
Many on Twitter were upset that the judges used their save on Casey Abrams two weeks ago, but he’s a musician and entertainer. He usually gets the crowd going when he performs. If Pia had been eliminated that week I’m sure they would have used it on her, but they had to save Casey that week.
What it comes down to is votes. If you are angry that Pia Toscano was eliminated tonight on American Idol, be angry with yourself for not giving your 50 votes to her last night. Those teeny-boppers vote hard. Pia is not exciting to watch. She’s a great singer and will be signed, but I would never buy a concert ticket to see her. So if you have another favorite in the finals you better vote to keep them on the show. It’s pretty simple.
Besides, Pia joins a long list of Idol hopefuls that left before they should have based on talent. Jennifer Hudson, Chris Daughtry and Tamyra Gray all come to mind.
Watch all the AI Top 9 performances here!
So, what did you think of the elimination on American Idol
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I didn't have a problem with Pia being eliminated at all...although Paul should have went before her; a bit too quirky for my taste.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you were watching, but I loved Constantine Maroulis' performance. Didn't you get the memo, it's no longer cool to dis him for no reason.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised she went home already, but I didn't mind seeing her go either.
ReplyDeletePia getting eliminated proves that people can't assume anyone's safe
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with the author of this article. Everyone I spoke with said,"Pia is going all the way!" My opinion of her from the beginning has been that while she is very talented, she is also boring. As for Constantine, I think the only reason he was allowed to ruin that song is because Simon wasn't there!
ReplyDeletePia is an amazing singer and should still be on the show. Paul or Casey should have done home instead of Pia. Pia was so talented. But she will d get her own cd probably. Pia is also absolutely beautiful inside and out. She seems so nice. And I love Pia's voice. I was upset when Pia went home from Idols.