TV Review Pages

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Biggest Loser 11: Teams Dissolve and Ken Goes Home

Biggest Loser: Couples stayed in New Zealand this week, but moved the set to Queenstown. Beautiful scenery backed every grueling workout on BL11. That had to make it a little easier. Not. After last week’s dismal results on the scale, the BL trainers were out for blood, or pounds, whichever came first. Brett parachuted in to meet the players on the beach. There was no mention of why he left in a fake elimination.

Alison Sweeney announced right away that we are down to the individual competition now. No more teams of any kind. Except of course, some teams are reunited now since it started as couples.  Austin and Ken were still together. So were Hannah and Olivia. Little did they know one of those teams would be broken up soon.

All four trainers took turns challenging the BL11 contestants to push their fear boundaries, as well as their strength. The bungee challenge proved to be a scary one for trainer Cara too. Hannah, on the other hand, loved it. She did a back flip off the platform and flipped some more on the way down. She’s definitely enjoying her new life. Hannah said, “I’ve always been the videographer for everyone else… no more!”

Rulon jumped off a bridge, facing his fears after surviving a plane crash four years ago. Yeah, I’d have issues too.

Mitre Peak, Milford Sound, New Zealand                                 Image via Wikipedia
The immunity challenge was one of strength and control… in a rapids river, in cold water. The BL11 players had to ride a kick board. The first one to the finish line won immunity and a helicopter ride over Milford Sound.

Olivia took off and found a nice current to ride for a comfortable lead. Most of the others had trouble navigating the strong side currents. Austin said he had no swimming skills, poor guy.

Rulon had been trailing Olivia at a good distance, but started to close at the end of the race. Kaylee came from nowhere at the end to really make it close. Olivia dug deep and managed to hold them both off for the win. Olivia won immunity at the weigh-in and brought Hannah along for the helicopter ride reward.

The final weigh-in was a close one. Much better than last week. All posted good numbers, which just makes it harder. Now that there are no teams (except 2 original couples listed above), if you are one of the two that drop below the yellow line you may go home.

Rulon had the best weigh loss of the week with a -10lbs posted at weigh-in. Kaylee was in second with a -5lb, that was a shock. Olivia had immunity, but still lost 4lbs tonight. Irene the Machine (or the Silent Ninja) turned in her usual awesome week with a 4lb loss. Jay had a rough week with only a -5lb loss, but he can have a big number later and it was enough to keep him safe tonight.

The two that fell below the yellow line tonight were Ken (-4lbs tonight) and Hannah (-3lbs tonight). Both had a teammate still so it would be close.  Olivia voted for Ken, and Austin voted for Hannah as assumed. Kaylee voted for Hannah, and Irene voted for Ken. All were tied 2-2.

Jay got up and made this weird confusing speech that I assumed was going to end in a vote for Hannah. After all he said, he voted for Ken. Alison Sweeney stepped in to say that it did not matter who Rulon voted for because in the event of a tie on Biggest Loser, the person with the lowest percentage of weight loss goes home. Tonight that was Ken. With that roll the good-bye video.

I’m glad Hannah is still there, but I think it makes it easier for Rulon and Austin too. There was surely some game play tonight to take out Ken while they had the chance. The girls are getting so skinny they won’t be competition for long.

What did you think of tonight’s elimination on Biggest Loser? Who do you think will win the whole thing? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say, “Donald Trump, you are the Biggest Loser!” Oh wait, wrong show sorry!

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