We are down to the final four concepts and the chain opens in two weeks in Minneapolis, Hollywood and New York. The final four are:
Jamawn Woods - Soul Daddy’s
Joe Galluzzi - Brooklyn Meatball Co. (formerly Saucy Balls)
Sudhir Kandula - Spice Coast
Stephenie Park - Harvest Sol
Jamawn’s concept with Soul Daddy’s is pretty basic, and may be just what America wants most. He plans to reintroduce soul food to the masses. So far Jamawn has done well in the challenges with his signature chicken and waffles and sides.
Joey is from Brooklyn. You will know this the second he opens his mouth. Joey is also dedicated to getting his grandmother’s saucy balls out to the public in a big way. Joe’s love for his grandma’s meatballs has nearly cost him the competition. He first called his restaurant “Saucy Balls” and was not going to be talked out of it. Now the judges have gotten through to Joey and he has changed the name to the Brooklyn Meatball Co. Much better!
Sudhir has an interesting concept. He plans to mass produce Indian food to people in malls all over the U.S. I’m not sure if Iowans are ready for fast Indian food, but anything would be a nice change. Then again, it didn’t work out too well on “Seinfeld”… we’ll see. Sudhir had problems tonight trying to introduce Indian food to kids. Bobby Flay’s daughter came along to critique the restaurants and was not impressed.
Stephenie has the most well liked concept by of the investors. She is the inventor of Harvest Sol, a healthy dining experience for fast food. So far, Stephenie has struggled with the competition. She is smart, but has very little self confidence so her chef tends to run over her. The biggest issue for Harvest Sol is finding fresh food for restaurants in different parts of the country at the same time. Not sure how she is going to work that out yet.

Grill’billies had trouble from the start. The team of Krystal and Greg kept getting smashed by their chef. First the food was no good. Then last night we saw the chef not only run over Krystal’s ideas in the planning stage, but he accidentally dumped half of their food on the way to the delivery so they ran out early. He opted to serve kabobs to little kids for a kids’ menu item. Now who knew dried meat on a sharp stick would not go over well?
Next week the final four face off, and the previews show them earning a trip away too. It should be interesting to see which concept the investors choose. I’m leaning toward Soul Daddy’s, but Harvest Sol could pull out a surprise victory. I think Sudhir and Spice Coast is the underdog for America’s Next Great Restaurant.
If you watch America’s Next Great Restaurant on Sunday nights pull up Twitter and tweet live with us: TVReviewProgram.
So, who do you think will win? Which food do you think would be the best for a fast food chain?
Copyright @ 2008 TV Review
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Harvest Sol is already done as a concept. There are many mall chains (in food courts) that serve this kind of thing and they are never really well received. I don't like the girl running it either...not dynamic and wouldn't succeed as a real-life entrepeneur. Soul Daddy and the Indian thing are too ethnic for middle America. My prediction is Brooklyn Meatball Co. You can't go wrong with a good meatball sub, no matter where you go as long as it's priced right and tastes fresh.