TV Review Pages

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

American Idol Season 8 Top 3 Perform

Final 3 on AI Season 8
FOX 8/7c 5/12/2009

Tonight was the 300th episode of American Idol. With the top 3 singing two songs each, one from the judges pick and one they chose. Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Danny Gokey took the stage for their Idol showdown.

Danny Gokey: "Dance Little Sister" by Terrece Trent D'arby (chosen by Paula Abdul)
Danny sounded good, finally, on this song. Though he seemed to be shouting through the beginning, he settled down at the chorus. Definitely one of Danny's best performances on the AI stage this year. It sounded the same, like Danny Gokey, but was in tune. The sax solo was very weird sounding. It sounded plastic. I just don't see the pop star anywhere in this guy.

Randy Jackson: "... let the games begin... dude, that was dope for me..."

Kara DioGuardi: "... Paula, I like that you picked that song... the dancing was a little not good for me..."

Paula Abdul:"... I thought you did a great job..."

Simon Cowell:"... I think it was the wrong song... I wouldn't have put the toy sax solo in the middle..."

Danny said, " doesn't matter to me, I wanna sing that song..."

The child play between Paula and Simon started very early tonight. Paula must be feeling very.... good tonight.

Kris Allen: "Apologize" by One Republic (chosen by Kara and Randy)
Come on Kris, have a good night tonight. I'm not a big fan of Kris', but he has had some really good nights. Kind of a boring song for the judges to choose. I love the song and Kris Allen did a nice job, but I don't think it will be memorable.

Randy Jackson:"... this is the kind of artist you could be... nice"

Kara DioGuardi:"...I think it was a really competent performance... you gotta be hitting it out of the park..."

Paula Abdul: "... there was a bum note there that was loud... but I'm proud of you..."

Simon Cowell:"... it was a competent version of the original... you can't blame him [talking to Kara] for not following through on your responsiblities..."

Simon continued to argue with Kara as she said she would have rathered Kris Allen played his accoustic guitar. "If you wanted him to play the guitar, then it was your job to tell him that. Don't choose a song for him, then criticize him for doing it." Ryan Seacrest asked if Simon meant that Kara and Randy had not done their jobs..."That's exactly what I'm saying...", Simon responded.

Adam Lambert: "One" by U2 (chosen by Simon Cowell)
This should be good. Simon Cowell told how he called Bono on Saturday afternoon to ask permission for Adam to perform the song (it's Simon's favorite). I did not really care too much for Adam's performance tonight. Or should I say the interpretation.

Randy Jackson: "... you are definitely still in the zone... a little bit off the melody.."

Kara DioGuardi:".. you're a strategist... you can change up a song and make it yours... see what I mean Simon..."

Paula Abdul: "... it was one brilliant song... and one American Idol that I'm staring at..."

Simon Cowell: "...great song choice... you performed it brilliantly.... if you are not in the finals next week it will be one of the biggest upsets in this show..." "outrageous" Paula yelled.

The 'half time' show was Carrie Underwood with an update from Idol Gives Back. She reported from Angola, Africa. Idol Gives Back is fighting malaria there. Giving out bed nets to prevent the mosquito bites at night. It was sad to see the kids cry because someone took their bed net.

Danny Gokey chose: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
This is a safe, safe song choice for Danny. This time he did change it up. Danny gave the beginning a soft touch that we have not heard from him. It was pretty decent. The ending was weak.

Randy Jackson: "... amazing song... you can really, really, really sing..."

Kara DioGuardi: "... everything you didn't do in the first performance, you just did... stunning.."

Paula Abdul: "... all of us are breathless... you nailed it..."

Simon Cowell: "...I love the song... it didn't need rearranging.. I would call that a vocal master class..."

Kris Allen chose: "Heartless" by Kanye West
Alone with his accoustic guitar, Kris took the AI stage as the biggest underdog ever. I did not see a Kanye West song coming. I was stunned. It was okay. I liked it about half way through. It was decent actually. It really grew on me. This turned out to be the winner of the night and possibly the season for Kris Allen.

Randy Jackson:"...dude, that was better than the original..."

Kara DioGuardi: "... loved it..."

Paula Abdul: " are the bravest artist because you sang a song about Simon Cowell..."

Simon Cowell: "... after a lame first song choice, I had literally written you off... that performance changed all that..."

Adam Lambert chose: "Crying" by Aerosmith
Again, I did not like this performance of Adam's. He sounded flat, for the first time. I'm sure the judges will still drool, but it was not great.

Randy Jackson:"...I love this even more than 'One'..."

Kara DioGuardi:"... how do you hit those notes and still talk... we'll see you next week..."

Paula Abdul:"... if Steven Tyler were a mentor I don't think he would have anything to say to

Simon Cowell: "... it is very easy to assume that you are going to be in the finals... I want everyone to vote for you because you have talent..."

Ryan Seacrest asked Adam Lambert how he felt after tonight and Adam gave the obligatory 'it's an honor to be with these guys' speil.

Tonight goes to Kris Allen for me. The stunner of the night was Heartless.

Danny Gokey must go. The finals need to be Adam Lambert vs Kris Allen.

Now go vote!

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