TV Review Pages

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hell’s Kitchen - Season 4 Picking Peppers

Hell's Kitchen FOX 4/15/08

The first task of the night the teams had to properly (up to Chef Ramsay's standards) cut and prepare chicken. The men, Craig in particular, lost miserably and had to pick peppers on a farm all day.

The women got to go with Chef Ramsay to a ranch, where they met Aron from last season, and goofed around. Then they began to plot how to get rid of the men. Gordon enjoyed the conversation. He always seems easier on the women, unless he really thinks that they are useless in the kitchen.

The men know that the biggest liability on their team is Jason in the kitchen.

Bobby and J.P. had to be in the dining room serving tableside. Chef Ramsay sentenced Jason to desserts and told him not to eat any. Then asked Jason what the desserts were, and Jason didn't know.

Craig had trouble on the appetizers right away, but it got a compliment eventually.

Rosann screwed up the first appetizer out of the women's kitchen. The women pulled it together and got food out.

Jason went out on the patio to learn the menu, couldn't repeat it to Chef Ramsay and quit. Right then and there!

I think that there is nothing that Chef Gordan Ramsay hates more than a quitter. If he has pushed you too far, he backs off. He would rather see someone try to the bitter end than quit without reason.

Jason pulled his head out, rambled off the dessert menu and stayed to the end. Chef Ramsay commended him.

Vanessa failed on the meat station, and cried. All of the women had to bail her out.

Ben did no better on the men's team. No communication in the kitchen at all.

Meanwhile the women started a near fire taht Chef Ramsay had to put out, literally.

By the time the men's team started desserts and Gordon had to work with Jason again, he went to an empty counter and banged his head over and over again. He later complained of a headache.

After 3 hours of a terrible dinner service, Ben's raw salmon caused Gordan to call the teams together and shut down the kitchen without letting the dinner guests know. No one won the service, bothe teams had to pick one person to put up for firing.

Petroza from the men's team and Christina from the women's team had to nominate one each.

Pretroza chose Jason for his poor cooking and communication skills.
Christina nominated Vanessa who all but offered herself up.

Chef Ramsay was just not impressed with anyone, but Jason was the worst (and the cause of the headache). Jason was also the one who quit earlier in the night, so he was the obvious choice.

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