TV Review Pages

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

American Idol - Top 7 Perform Mariah Carey Songs

American Idol Contestants Are Mentored By Mariah Carey 4/15/08

Tonight the AI Top 7 were singing Mariah Carey songs. Simon Cowell said that it would be a make or break night for Randy Jackson (did you know that he has worked with Mariah?)

The night started with David Archuleta singing "Believe". I don't think this was anywhere near his best performance, but of course he should skate to the Top 6. Don't get me wrong, I love David Archuleta and truly hope that he wins it all. I just don't think that this was his best, I know I have seen him do better.

Randy Jackson - "you can sing anything... that was the bomb"

Paula Abdul - "Mariah is smiling... you made her proud"

Simon Cowell - "I have to say that you performed that very well"

Next up was Carly Smithson and her version of "Without You". Mariah Carey was impressed with her voice. I think this was one of Carly's best performances without a doubt (wardrobe and all)

Randy Jackson - "yo... you got to believe and trust yourself in your lower range"

Paula Abdul -"I like the fact that you showed some restraint"

Simon Cowell -
"... I don't think that you pulled it off... it was an OK version"

Syesha Mercado sang "Vanishing", and Mariah gave her a few extra pointers. I think that Syesha has a great recording voice, and I liked the performance.

Randy Jackson - "... toughest song of the night... you did a good job, all things considered"

Paula Abdul - "I think you've been extremely smart... you picked a song not everyone knows"

Simon Cowell -"Technically it was very good indeed... at this point, I wouldn't have chosen a song that no one knows"

Next up was Brooke White singing "Hero". Mariah said that she really likes Brooke. At the piano tonight, this is my favorite performance from Brooke. She kept it simple with no band and it worked much better.

Randy Jackson - "... the bridge kind of threw me"

Paula Abdul - "... every ounce of you is identifiable to who you are" (?)

Simon Cowell - "... it was a bit like ordering a hamburger and only getting the bun... your voice is not strong enough to carry off that song"

Kristy Lee Cook sang "Forever" another song that I do not know, but Mariah Carey seemed to love the version. I just don't like Kristy's country twists on everything.

Randy Jackson - "It was pitchy"

Paula Abdul - "I'm blown away"

Simon Cowell - "You didn't give me chills... it was whiny at times... it just wasn't great"

David Cook and Jason Castro finished the night.

David Cook gave his accoustic twist on "Always Be My Baby". I thought it was kind of pitch-y on the chorus. He always sounds better when he rocks. It was alright.

Randy Jackson - "Yo... you are a ready to make an album... that was the most brilliant performance yet"

Paula Abdul - "... that could be a movie sound track right now, and maybe it will"

Simon Cowell -"It was like coming out of Karaoke Hell into a breath of fresh air... someone who takes risks, congratulations"

Jason Castro closed the show with his own spin of "I Don't Wanna Cry" without his usual guitar. He tried to stay serious throughout his performance tonight and did a good job of getting into the song. Jason was pitch-y, but he always gets away with it.

Randy Jackson - "... I felt like I was at a weird beach luau... I didn't get it"

Paula Abdul - "I'm so proud of you... you have gotten into a grove"

Simon Cowell - "I agree with Paula... not the best vocal, but it was good... definitely the guys won the night"

Simon, I don't think the women can beat this group of guys on any night, sorry!

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