TV Review Pages

Sunday, August 24, 2008

BB10: Dan Wins HOH - Nominates Memphis and Jerry 8/24/08

Ollie Wins HOH Powers
in a Deal With Dan
CBS 8/7c 8/24/08

Dan made one of the sweetest deals in the history of Big Brother to win Head of Household over Ollie. After swinging on a vine and being pounded into a wall in the rain for several hours, it was down to Dan and Ollie. Ollie was shivering in the rain and the time was right for Dan to strike up a deal. Dan offered Ollie safety for the week, Ollie said no. Dan offered safety to Ollie and a friend, Ollie said no. Dan offered Ollie one nomination and the POV nomination (if POV gets used), and the deal was struck. Ollie dropped.

Then came down to actually carrying out the deal that no one else overheard. I guess I don't get why Dan had such a hard time with putting Memphis up (Ollie's choice). I forgot he has a secret alliance with that is a stupid alliance. Dan thinks if Memphis leave he can't win BB10. I don't get that at all, whatever.

Jerry helped all of the BB10 players off the mat as they fell from the ropes during the HOH competition. He must be a complete ass on the live feeds, because he doesn't show it during the televised parts. He is set in his ways and thoughts, but he is also 75.

Dan tried to set up the final four group of Memphis, Dan, Keesha and Renny. Renny absolutely hates Memphis, so she is not even a safe vote to keep him this week. Renny did agree to the final three without Memphis. Dan asked her to come up with a name for the alliance, this has become such a stupid thing (naming alliances).

Memphis was pissed, but Dan relayed an inside message during the Nomination ceremony stating, "some think of you as a vagabond, maybe I'll find out you are a Renegade" ........Renegade is the name of Dan and Memphis' secret alliance.

Jerry is slated for eviction on Thursday, barring any upheaval in the BB10 house. See you then!


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