TV Review Pages

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dennis Rodman Called Out in Trump's Boardroom

Celebrity Apprentice Boardroom Turns Intervention
Dennis Rodman Fired by Trump
NBC Sunday 3/29

In what is shaping up to be a strange Celebrity Apprentice this year, Dennis Rodman fell victim to Donald Trump's firing hand last night. Dennis has had... issues with his work ethic since the start of the show. Trump gave Rodman the opportunity to show what he could do by making him project manager for the men. It was not pretty.

The task involved each team acting as a posh hotel staff to a few lucky (or not) guests. The ladies team have been crushing the men since the start of the season, winning all but one task easily. This week was not going to be any different.

The truly hard workers are all that are left on the guys' team: Clint Black, Brian McKnight, Jesse James and Hershel Walker. To be fair, Scott Hamilton should be included though he was eliminated early.

The ladies team is still brimming with: Joan Rivers, Melissa Rivers, Annie Duke, Brande Roderick, Kloe Kardashian, Natilie Gulbis, Tionne Watkins.

Last night the odd season got even more odd as we saw the deterioration of a one-time superstar. Dennis Rodman started the day as Project Manager by drinking vodka/cranberry (that and screwdrivers are a drunks best friend... lots of non-smelling alcohol and juice for color). Rodman then appeared to drink his way (two at a time) through the day. He then jumped in the team car with a couple of the hotel visitors and showed them a night they will not soon forget.

The ladies team put on a stellar performance as usual. The editors had to really dig to find the problems. Stephen Baldwin made an appearance, apparently to show how stupid he is. He was nothing but insulting and rude. Joan Rivers took control for the most part and smoothed over everything. She has certainly not proved to be the diva they touted prior to the show airing.

Dennis Rodman was called out for having a drinking problem as soon as the boardroom started. Jesse James, the only one honest and forthright enough to state the obvious did just that immediately. He did not do it in an accusing fashion. Just the opposite. You could see the emotion in Jesse's face and body language as he could not even look at Dennis once things got started.

Every person in Trump's boardroom looked extremely uncomfortable, but no one wanted to stop it either. Dennis Rodman showed America what it is like to be or work/live with an alcoholic. It is not fun. It is not funny.

Like every addict, Rodman pointed out that Jesse James knows a little something about partying. James admitted that he was an alcoholic and has not had a drink in nine years. Which puts him in the position of spotting all the signs of a drinking problem. Jesse was genuinely concerned about the well being of Dennis. Telling Donald Trump that he was sitting between two of the greatest athletes ever, Hershel Walker and Dennis Rodman, and "just look at the difference." When you meet Hershel Walker, it is so much more than you thought it was going to be. When you meet Dennis Rodman, there is disappointment.

There was really no choice for Donald Trump. Even if the ladies had won, he had to fire Dennis Rodman.

Dennis Rodman has one defense mechanism and that is pure survival mode. He appears to be just surviving enough to see tomorrow, and if not he thinks he went out fighting. You are not fight Dennis... you are running. Big difference.

If you wonder if you or someone you know has a drinking problem, take this test: When Weekend Drinking Means Alcoholism

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