TV Review Pages

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joan Rivers vs Annie Duke in a Celebrity Showdown

Final 2 on Celebrity Apprentice
NBC Sunday 9/8c 5/03

Well the top five got whittled down to the final four tonight on the Celebrity Apprentice. With the firing of Clint Black, the final four are:

Joan Rivers
Annie Duke
Brande Roderick
Jesse James

First things first. The first task of the night was to write a 30 second jingle and commercial spot for Chicken of the Sea.

Team Athena, Annie Duke and Brande Roderick looked sick. Having to write a jingle against a country music star. Team KOTU, Clint Black, Joan Rivers and Jesse James looked smug.

Brande Roderick, bless her beautiful heart, is tone deaf. It's okay, she knows it and admitted it. That only made it funnier. I'm still chuckling at her feeble attempts to sing a jingle. Not that Annie Duke was much better, but it's hard to keep a tune with Brande. Oh man, she was priceless.

Clint Black took over on KOTU as project manager, again. It made sense this time, but still no outside input was allowed. Joan Rivers and Jesse James put together the commercial part.

The boardroom was slanted to team KOTU, as Annie Duke and Brande Roderick agreed that Clint Black's jingle was better. The tuna folks (or is it chicken?) did not agree. The liked Annie Duke's jingle better and Brande Roderick's commercial. Clint Black looked sick. Apparently the tuna dudes didn't think enough people would enjoy country music. Hmmm. Clint just chuckled (into his bags of money).

Just like that, Clint Black was fired by Donald Trump.

All that was left was the interview process to get down to the final two. Last Celebrity Apprentice winner Piers Morgan was the interviewer. His reports to Trump were:

Brande Roderick: "...she's not smart enough to win...It would demean your show to have her in the finals."

Joan Rivers: "...I thought the attack on Annie Duke (calling her Hitler) was over the top... the venom... to get as far as she has, amazing..."

Annie Duke: "...I love the cool face... as long as she's got the money at the end of the rainbow, you can say anything you want about her, she doesn't care."

Jesse James: "...confounds me the most... when he looked at me when I talked about his wife, he wanted to kill me with his bare hands. I want to see a lot more of that..."

This was obviously a not so dramatic build up to the Joan Rivers/Annie Duke showdown. No surprise, though unnecessarily brutal, Trump fired Brande Roderick first. He called her a dumb blond and told her what Piers Morgan said (really not cool). Brande brought in more money than Jesse James and worked just as hard. Not that it matter since Jesse was next to exit.

Jesse could not defend his lack of fund raising. Trump expected him to hit up his wife Sandra Bullock. Both Piers Morgan and Donald Trump questioned Jesse relentlessly about why in the world Sandra Bullock would pick him.

*Note to all men: Power isn't everything. (See you thought I was gonna say size matters, but I didn't.)

So there went Jesse James, fired in the same boardroom session.

The Celebrity Apprentice showdown between Annie Duke and Joan Rivers airs next Sunday night on NBC.

For more: Celebrity Apprentice

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