TV Review Pages

Sunday, September 6, 2009

BB11 Natalie and HOH

Ugh, so here we are getting to the end of Big Brother 11 and I'm disappointed... again.

With Natalie finally winning HOH and guaranteed a spot in the final 3... I like Kevin's name for her better, "Biz-natch". I don't like anything about Natalie and have zero respect for her 'game'. Riding coat tails to the end is just not a good style. The comment that she had "waited" and bided her time to win at the right moment is total BS. Sorry Nat, not buying it, you just plain got lucky.

That is the way the Big Brother cookie crumbles. I will watch to the end and now just hope that Jeff wins the America's Choice prize of $25,000, no player has ever deserved it more... and look how pretty!

Now I am rooting for Kevin to win it all. Go get 'em Kevin!

"I'm going to use this nomination ceremony to hide my allegiances"... um, Natalie there are only 4 left in the house and 3 of them don't like you at all! What a back-stabbing little liar... and to call Michelle the devil! Ha! What a joke!

Natalie's nominations this week: Kevin & Michelle

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