TV Review Pages

Monday, September 27, 2010

"The Event" - Episode Two Recap and Time Line

Seal of the Central Intelligence Agency of the...Image via Wikipedia
Let’s get this right out of the way.... yes, there are aliens on The Event. There, quick like a band-aid, that didn’t hurt too bad. I know I said I would likely give up watching The Event if it was an alien show. I was young and that was the Bill Mahr show so of course I didn’t mean it... wait, that wasn’t me.

Anyway, to make a very long story short I will now recap the second episode of The Event in a single paragraph. I’ll also give you a more detailed recap in a time line that makes sense (hint hint to the writers of the show).

Tonight we saw the plane crash land in the desert of Arizona. With Blackhawks approaching the landing site, Capt. Mike Buchanan tells Sean Walker to run and not to trust anyone. Sean ran, but quickly forgot the second part. He wakes up in a hospital for heat stroke and is quickly arrested by the FBI for murder on the cruise ship. Meanwhile in Miami, the President meets with his advisers in the CIA who tell him of a plane crash 66 years ago. The plane held aliens. Some of them survived and these were the detainees he was about to release. Some of the aliens escaped and are now blended in with the world’s societies.

That was it in a nutshell. Here is the time line, laid out chronologically, that we saw in episode two of The Event.

66 yrs ago - there was an alien plane crash and some got away before being captured by the CIA. The rest have been held as detainees since then. They have replicated human DNA to a difference of 1% and thus, look just like us. However, they can’t pass a blood test as a human. They also age at a much slower rate than humans. While they appear to be friendly, having saved the POTUS, they are not.

10 yrs ago - CIA Agent Lee, in charge of now finding the ‘others’ (aliens) that may be out there, is indeed an alien himself. We see him giving blood for his CIA entrance exam. We see him in the bathroom pulling a fake vein with blood out of his arm.

5 yrs ago - Sean Walker (our hero) meets his love, Leila. This must become important later, or it was just unnecessary filler.

7 days ago - Sean and Leila are on the cruise the morning after he saves Vicky Roberts from drowning. Leila is hung over from drinking the night before. Vicky shows up at their door and wants Sean to go snorkeling with her. Leila tells him to go and he does. After he leaves, Vicky's boyfriend knocks on Leila’s door and comes on to her. She tells him to get out, opens the door and a security guard is standing there. The guard stabs and kills him, and takes Leila.

4 days ago - Captain Michael Buchanan (Leila's dad) is being held somewhere with several armed men. Vicky is there holding Leila at gun point. (I think the younger daughter is held with them). The men are trying to coerce the plane captain into the suicide mission, a hit on the POTUS. Mike refuses and they tell them they shot his wife in front of him, they will kill his kids too. (We have to assume this is what they wanted him to do, they did not say specifically.)

Today - The POTUS, in Miami is told that there was an electromagnetic radiation blast at the time of the plane’s disappearance. The CIA and Defense Dept. told him we don’t have that kind of weaponry... on earth. They then tell him of the original plane crash and why the detainees were being held. He still was not completely sold on holding them indefinitely. He is told the disappearing plane appears to be safely on it’s way to it’s original destination.

The CIA puts Agent Lee in charge of finding the plane and the ‘others’ that may have escaped. Agent Lee goes straight to what appears to be a major businessman, also an alien. The man explains to Lee that the plane is in Arizona, and that they have taken care of the survivors (actually he said they could ‘use’ them).

Sean Walker, now in the custody of the FBI comes close to the plane crash site while heading for the airport. He has babbled his entire story of abductions and plane crashes (with no reports), and they think he’s nuts. Sean recognizes the area as close to the plane crash he walked from and tells the agents. A roadblock and sheriff tell them to turn around due to a semi-trailer accident on the road ahead. The agents listen to the sheriff, of course, and turn around paying no attention to a ranting Sean.

Agent Lee pulls up at the plane crash site and is met by more CIA agents and servicemen. They tell him the survivors seemed to have escaped alive. Something else killed them. All dead. We then see the lifeless bodies of all those on the plane.

There was a brief meeting between Sophia, chief alien detainee, and the POTUS. Not much came of it though. She makes the aliens seem like they mean no harm. It’s obvious they do.

There you have it, the full recap of the second episode of The Event. I hope I didn’t miss anything important. The show moves back and forth in time at lightning speed, but there are no alternate realities (yay!)

There were still mixed reviews on Twitter tonight. The show combines: The Fugitive, Lost, V, The X-Files, and hints of a few others. The good thing is, these were all really fantastic TV shows. If you miss them and don’t mind a few changes, here they are, all rolled into one. If you would rather miss them forever, don’t watch The Event.

If you want to follow me on Twitther during the show, use hashtag #TheEvent. Remember to block that if you’re on the west coast and don’t want spoilers!

What do you think of NBC’s new series? It seems like most are “love it” or “hate it” right now. I’m in serious “like” right now (but I have commitment issues). So, are you in or out on The Event?

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