TV Review Pages

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Greatest American Dog 7/30/08

Ron and Tillman Get Expelled
Who'd of Thought Lazy is Tough!
CBS Wednesday 8/7c 7/30/08

Tillman, the lovable gassy bulldog, and his guy's guy owner Ron were eliminated tonight on The Greatest American Dog. It was a shock seeing as the other bottom 2 dogs, Beacon and Leroy, really had issues with their owners on the task. This was all on Ron and he knew it. The show and all of us will miss them both, and I would put any picture of Tillman on my dog blog anyday!

The Reward Competition was a bit of a goofy endeavor, the show was all geared toward showing a dog's personality. Each owner had to 'know' their own dog's personality by guessing if they would take what was offered to them off a plate. My dog would have won this hands down as he is terrified of inanimate objects that bare treats or toys. I have no idea why! Anyway, Galaxy and J.D. of course won the challenge, Tillman even refused the steak offered (I think it was too high for him).

J.D. chose his closest competitors to sleep in the Dog House, Travis and Presley.

The Show Competition was a photo shoot depicting a theme (word) picked out of a hat.

J.D. and Galaxy chose 'sneaky', tough word. They more than pulled it off, Galaxy is one of those 'once in a lifetime' pets. She just does exactly what she is told and is happy about work. J.D. does a great job training her. The judges, as always, were impressed with training and the picture.

Travis and Presley got 'joyous', the perfect word for a happy boxer puppy! Presley jumped for joy alright, but the picture was a bit generic. The judges noted that the jump picture is a dime a dozen.

Bill and Star had to show 'stubborn'. Man, that seemed impossible to me, but they worked it out perfectly. With Star sitting her ground with a leash pulling at her collar to walk, she wasn't budging. Perfect! Sensing Bill's apprehension with the contest, the judges assured him he is creative.

Laurie and Andrew chose 'curious'. This seemed the hardest of all, but Laurie really pulled it out with Andrew 'looking' through a telescope. The judges were torn, but it was a great picture!

Brandy and Beacon got the word 'love'. Should be easy enough for a white Schnauzer, right? Brandy stressed so bad during the shoot that poor Beacon had no idea what to do. She was photographed with white background and no props simply looking up in profile. It was okay. But only earned bottom 3 status with the judges.

Beth Joy and Bella Starlet got 'mischievious'. Bella star, and more notably Beth Joy, finally got to glam it up for the camera. This little mixed breed did excellent in stealing treats from a jar and looking genuinely naughty. Even the judges finally came around for the team.

Laura and Preston had to pose for 'regal'. It seemed so easy a word for the little lion cut Pomeranium. The picture concept was good with a royal purple background and gold step stool, but a poor pose with his head cocked cost them the praise of the judges. Regal is more formal and a straight up and down pose was called for. Preston is still adorable, and a good boy!

Teresa and Leroy were to depict 'angry' which I thought was out of line in the first place. Not outrageous, I know they use trained dogs for this pose. This show is for families though, and I just don't think they needed to show a dog with teeth bared. Teresa resorted to a trick that Laura showed her from movie sets. Using what is known as a 'bite band' or 'snarl band', it is a rubber band that fits tightly around the upper jowl of the dog to hold the lips up. DO NOT USE A RUBBER BAND OR ANYTHING ELSE (BESIDES A DOG MUZZLE) AROUND THE MOUTH OR MUZZLE OF A DOG. This did not sit well at all with the judges and earned them a spot in the bottom 3.

Then came Ron and Tillman, the word was 'lazy'. Never were a word and a dog so made for each other. Every single time Tillman is on camera he is laying on his side farting the room full. Ron chose a bad picture that showed nothing but Tillman's face. The judges said it was "the worst picture of a Bulldog ever", pretty harsh. One of the judges suggested Tillman lay on his back for a lazy pose. Ron explained that was too much stress on the Bulldog's breathing, but they did not seem to care. Maybe because Ron said it made him snort, not like the judge that snorts when she laughs, but seriously snort.

So with the bottom 3 Tillman, Beacon and Leroy, I thought sure Teresa and Leroy would be the ones to go. The judges booted Ron and Tillman causing the whole house to gasp.

As they walked out the door Tillman left everyone something to remember them by, a very special Air Biscuit! Good boy!

For more Greatest American Dog, click here!

For dog training tips, toys and dog 'stuff' click here! DogsRuleIowa

1 comment:

  1. Great episode! Tillman getting kicked off SUCKED though. If anything Beth Joy, Teresa (at the time, not after what she did for Bill on the next episode) and Laura should have been in the bottom 3. I do have a soft spot for Teresa though, she is a dog walker and her life is about loving and taking care of dogs. Laura and Beth Joy are a joke, trying to get famous off of their dogs. It;s kind of funny to see that their dogs get more work then they do. I can't wait for episode six when Beth Joy and Laura get into a confrontation and Laura gets kicked off! Entertaing tv it is, Tolstoy it is not!
