TV Review Pages

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

BB10: Jerry Wins POV 8/05/08

Jessie Stirs the Pot
Fighting For the Little Guy
CBS Tuesday 8/7c 8/05/08

Jerry finally proved that he may be an old Colonel, but he's got some game in him. The POV Competition was an easy game of hitting a nerf ball with a hockey stick and trying to be the closest to the center. Jerry did not actually win the competition, Libra did (even more shocking). As each player was eliminated they won a prize they could keep or trade.

Memphis was the first BB10 player out, and opened the POV. He knew he wouldn't have it long. Michelle lost next and won a trip to Hawaii, and evidentally thought no one would dare take it from her - wrong! Jessie quickly followed Michelle and won a slop pass/surprise. Jessie traded Memphis for the POV knowing neither would end up with it.

April was the next out, and got a new prize - $10,000 in BB10 money. To buy her way out of a problem in the Big Brother house. Jerry finished second and won a letter from home. He talked April into splitting the 10 grand if he took the POV from Jessie. (Jessie explained to Jerry that he just let April take money out of his pocket, nice try Jessie - you really are smart.)

Libra won and opened her prize - the used red leotard from the previous Big Brother episodes of yore. Yuck! She immediately swapped for--letter from home, nope. The trip to Hawaii. Michelle was floored, and proceeded to go to the diary room and proclaim Libra to be a "fucking slut, whore, skank" . Very classy Michelle. She then continued to cry and piss and moan about having to wear the leotard on live national TV. Um, did you forget there was a camera in the diary room when you showed your true colors?

I was a little confused by Libra's prize choice too. With two babies at home under 1 year old, you don't want a letter? I can't believe you would leave them for 3 months in the first place, but Big Brother doesn't draw the classiest or smartest players.

Jessie continues to stir the pot with the girls, running and telling every chance he gets. They have got to get him out. He's not a bad person, but a big idiot. And I am tired of hearing him say "...point being", we know your point Jessie - you aren't that deep!

Jerry kept his word to April and left the nominations where they were: Memphis and Jessie. Memphis is the target for Eviction.

America's player Dan got to earn another bonus. He had to hug Jessie for at least 10 seconds, not a problem. In fact, Dan tried pulling away but Jessie just kept hugging and comforting him. (Dan told a sob story about missing his girlfriend). Now America can vote for who they want Dan to vote off, who really cares?

For more Big Brother 10, click here!


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