There were separate reward and immunity challenges tonight. Neither was very intense, so the focus of the show was the tribal drama. At one point Jane said she wanted to “take [Marty] to the woodshed and whoop his ass!”
The reward challenge was the toughest of the night. Teams were chosen at “random”, swore Jeff Probst, and came up men vs. women. It was a physical obstacle course, an extremely physical one. There was no way the women stood a chance. Teams were playing for a day on a zip line retreat followed by a barbeque. Worth playin’ for? You could see the slobber already.
The women kept up in the first part, a plow through hay, then climb up on each other and grab a key. Next was harder, a stick barrier they had to break. The men plowed ahead for their second key. The final barrier, a “brick” wall, stopped the women cold. The men easily won reward.
Chase was an extra player and had chosen to support the women in the challenge. Meaning he would go back to camp hungry with them. The men rejoiced and headed off for their reward.
Marty chatted the boys’ ears off at the bar-b-que dinner and came up with a feasible plan. If only he were likable. Fabio is Marty’s only fan, and maybe Dan...just because he’s drug him along. Marty’s plan was to tell NaOnka she was in danger to flush out her idol, then vote out Jane. It was a decent plan since they all knew Jane was socially (and physically) as dangerous as Marty pointed out at the last tribal council. Most of the guys were on board, but Sash had to take it back to mama... Brenda.
The immunity challenge was a memory game that didn’t last too long. Jeff Probst showed a series of pictures and the castaways had to show them back in the right order. Miss one and you are out.
Jane and NaOnka were out quickly on the same turn, followed by Dan, Holly, Purple Kelly and Sash. Fabio fell next. Chase was right behind him. Benry took a seat, and it was down to Marty and Brenda. I knew Brenda would get the next one right. The camera showed Marty struggling with his decision and he chose wrong. Brenda won immunity with a big grin on her face.
Sash and Brenda, who are being allowed to run the entire island, got together to discuss Marty’s plan. The only problem they had with it was that Marty is just so dang annoying to the entire tribe, and Jane still does not appear to be a threat. They may be sorely surprised (I hope so).
No one was shown throwing NaOnka any ill will or preparing her for a possible backdoor (in an idol flushing manner), so I assumed Marty was going home. At tribal council, Jeff Probst was the one to stir the pot with NaOnka. Bringing up the food theft from last week, Probst finally got the tribe to throw a few zings at NaOnka... who proudly went ghetto on them and cursed them out. “I’m not perfect, I’m a humanitarian....” yelled NaOnka at the tribe. Followed by “ irritate the f*** out of me too!”
Jeff Probst stood, flapping his mouth with no sound coming out, and admitted that he’d never been so speechless at a tribal council tantrum. He looked like he was ready to crack up. It was just like watching an episode of Jerry Springer. It was not good. All this before the vote. Oh, and Alina (the first Survivor Nicaragua jury member) is watching the entire thing.
When Probst asked if anyone would like to play the hidden immunity idol before he read the votes, NaOnke did not even flinch. She knew she was safe. Probst read the votes: four came down for Jane... five came down for Marty (yeah, that’s zero for NaOnka).
So Marty took the walk of shame tonight on Survivor Nicaragua. He will become the second member of the jury. We’ll see if he keeps his word and gives Jane his vote if she goes all the way. I bet he does. It gives him the “told ya so” factor, and I think that means a lot to Marty.
Who are you rooting for on Survivor Nicaragua? I think I have to stand by Jane now. She’s the most likable characters. Jane took out Marty so she’s a force now.
Catch up on Survivor Nicaragua here:
Week 1 Survivor Nicaragua Premier: Older Vs Younger
Week 2 Survivor: Nicaragua Shannon Shows His True Colors (and they aren’t rainbow!)
Week 3 Survivor Nicaragua: Good-bye Coach Jimmy Johnson
Week 4 Survivor Nicaragua: Jimmy T. Is a Legend in His Own Mind
Week 5 Survivor Nicaragua: Tyrone Gets the Axe at Tribal Council
Week 6 Survivor Nicaragua: Marty Survives a Stupid Move & Jane Gets a Fish
Week 7 Survivor Nicaragua: NaOnka Steals Food and Alina Goes Home
Copyright @ 2008 TV Review
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