TV Review Pages

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Veto and Eviction Tuesday 4/22/08

Final 4 Contestants Battle It Out In BB9
Veto and Eviction
CBS Tuesday 9/8c 4/22/08

Ryan put Sheila and Sharon on the block for eviction in the BB9 House. Pitting the guys against the girls in the Final 4.

After losing in the luxury challenge, Adam and Sheila had to be chained together for 24 hours. I cannot believe that these two are still in the BB9 House. They were targeted for eviction Week 1 for their constant bickering, and it hasn't gotten much better.

The final Power of Veto Competition (not live) was
face matching game. Ryan won. I like Ryan, and if it were not for his girlfriend Jen, I would want him to win. I have to root for Sheila to win it all.

No one trusts anyone else in the house now, and I don't think any of them know who is working with whom. They all have deals with each other.

Big Brother is trying to make it look like Sheila is going home.

Ryan chose not to use the Power of Veto, and Adam cast his vote to evict Sharon from the Big Brother 9 House.

The Final 3 are:
Ryan, Sheila, and Adam.

Go Sheila! I guess.

For Big Brother 9 Spoilers Click Here... Warning! These are SPOILERS!

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