TV Review Pages

Thursday, September 11, 2008

BB10: Dan Wins the Final HOH Competition of the Season

Jerry Gets Evicted to Finish BB10 in 3rd Place
CBS 8/7c 9/11/08

The twist of BB10 should be that America decides who gets the big prize. It won't happen that way, but it should. It probably would not matter, since Dan will most likely be the winner of BB10 anyway. Dan won the final HOH Competition, making it his 3rd reign over the BB10 House.

Jerry made friends with the wrong Renegade. He hitched his wagon to Memphis instead of Dan. Dan and Memphis continued their code talk on the live show, with Memphis stating that Dan would have to decide who the "true Renegade" is. With that, Dan evicted Jerry making the Renegade run complete.

The two remaining BB10 house guests began to realize how poorly edited the show is. With Julie asking Memphis how hard it was to choose between friends (Jerry and Keesha). The camera cut away as they asked each other what could possibly make her think he was 'friends' with both.

Jerry proved to be a good guy, though he made no bones that he will be voting for Memphis to win BB10.

The Jury house segment was funny. Showing how truly ugly April and Michelle both are. Michelle could not wait to tell whoever joined them about her trip with Dan. Keesha stole her thunder and the look on Michelle's face was priceless.

Julie Chen came back with an "important" message: America gets to vote for one BB10 Jury member to win $25,000.

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