TV Review Pages

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol 8 Sing American Standards with Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx Surprise Guest Mentor
FOX Tuesday 8/7C 4/28/2009

Jamie Foxx was a pleasant surprise tonight as the guest mentor on American Idol 8.
Lets get right to the vocals of the night.

Kris Allen: "The Way You Look Tonight" by
Jamie Foxx loves Kris Allen, he said he wants to do an album with him. Kris Allen said "my voice doesn't match up to any of the others' (Idols)"...showing his humbleness. Kris Allen lit up the stage. Crooning for all he was worth. I really loved the first slow part. He tends to get pitchy when the tempo goes up. I really hate the 'Lyle Lovett' parts Kris puts into every song. We get that you have a falsetto, don't overwork it.

Randy Jackson: "...this is your best performance to took your time..."

Kara DioGuardi: " have set the technical standard so incredibly high..."

Paula Abdul: "...sophisticated gentleman..."

Simon Cowell: "...I thought it was good... I thought it was a little bit wet... you're like taking a well trained Spaniel for a walk..."

Allison Iraheta: "Someone to Watch Over Me" by
Allison turned 17 yesterday. Jamie Foxx told Allison to feel the song through her family, explaining that she is too young to know what love is really like with a man. I think that's what Allison Iraheta needs, a passion behind her songs. Her vocals were great as usual. I really liked the performance overall. She did not overact the role.

Randy Jackson: " sing like Pink, but with like 9,000 more octives..."

Kara DioGuardi: "...I ain't nervous for you anymore..."

Paula Abdul: "....what you delivered tonight had an innocent vulnerability..."

Simon Cowell: " you think you can win at this stage... I don't feel that coming from you... I have a horrible feeling you could be in trouble tonight."

Matt Giraud: "My Funny Valentine" by
Matt chose a song that Constantine Murulous took to another level on his season of American Idol. Jamie Foxx said Matt had nothing to worry about, then called him back in. He told Matt to change the key of the song and hold the big note in his full voice (not go all Justin Timberlake). You could see Matt Giraud working hard to stay on one note at a time. He just can't. He did manage to hold the big note, but I don't like Matt's chances at winning.

Randy Jackson: "....for me it was just a little bit didn't all quite come together for me..."

Kara DioGuardi:"...I didn't feel you were emotionally connected..."

Paula Abdul: " was pure, simple and really impressive..."

Simon Cowell: "...for me it was the only believable authentic performance so far were absolutely brilliant."
I think Simon wants an all male finals. He doesn't seem to be interested in Allison Iraheta anymore at all.

Danny Gokey: "Come Rain or Come Shine" by
Jamie Foxx invaded Danny's space to get him to connect and get comfortable. It was cute. Great song choice by Danny Gokey this week. He is just so weak on stage presence. Though it was a boring performance, the vocals were good. He picked it up at the end of course, but I was half asleep by then. Danny Gokey is not near my favorite.

Randy Jackson: " are the only one I heard so far tonight that could actually have an album of that and win..."

Kara DioGuardi: " had swag tonight... that was the most creative you've ever been..."

Paula Abdul: "...stellar..."

Simon Cowell:"...what you had tonight was a swagger and a confidence... what Jamie brought out, particularly with you tonight, is incredible..."

Adam Lambert: "Feeling Good" by
All Jamie Foxx could say was "Whaaaat?! You don't care about who I am at all!" Adam put a rock spin on a standard tonight. Never heard of the song, but doubtful if I would recognize it after it's been Adamized anyway. This was like a full on Broadway performance. It was impressive as always. I expect nothing less from Adam Lambert.

Randy Jackson: " was a little too Broadway for me, but you are in the zone..."

Kara DioGuardi: "... my mouth drops open... you're shocking in a good way..."

Paula Abdul: " make me feel better than good...

Simon Cowell: "...what I get from you is that you want to win... best entrance we've had on this show...I love Randy complaining that you're theatrical, it's like complaining that a cow moos..."

So that wraps up the American Standards week on American Idol.... now GO VOTE!

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