TV Review Pages

Monday, April 27, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice: Joan Rivers vs Annie Duke Round 2

Clint Black and Jesse James Showdown
NBC Sunday 9/8c 4/26/2009

Very little changed this week in Donald Trump's boardroom full of celebrities. Last week Joan Rivers and Annie Duke went to war and it did not end with one battle. After Joan called Annie "Hitler" last week, Annie dug in her heels for the finals.

After firing Herschel Walker last week, team KOTU was again short on members. Trump pulled the switcheroo and put Jesse James back on KOTU. Jesse James was not happy about the switch.

It did make Jesse James happy to deliver a check for $20,000 to his charity, the Long Beach Education Foundation, for his win last week on Celebrity Apprentice. Donald Trump is taking it easy on the celebrity little black books this year. He should, these companies are getting free advertising so let them kick in the donations. It also makes it more fair to the lesser celebrity's charities.

The Celebrity Apprentice task:
Create a 4 page advertising layout for Right Guard deoderant to run in Sports Illustrated magazine and website. The teams had to use New York Nick rookie NBA player David Lee in the photo shoot.

The Celebrity teams:
KOTU: Clint Black (Project Mgr), Joan Rivers, Jesse James
Athena: Brande Roderick (Project Mgr), Annie Duke, Melissa Rivers

With Clint Black as PM, team KOTU was in for a rough ride. Clint Black likes to work alone. Or at least he seems to micromanage every single detail of the task. This was not going to work for Jesse James. He and Clint have not enjoyed each other's company during this game. Jesse James pointed out early and often that this is what he does for a living. Clint Black was willing to accept some of Jesse's assistance, but that was not good enough for Jesse. He all but took his toys and went home.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Jesse James this season. Joan Rivers said it best though, "Once you're on a team, you gotta work for that team..."

Joan Rivers (barring Annie Duke treatment), has shown why she has survived the predominantly male world of celebrity for 37 years. Joan has been surprisingly flexible after decision making is done. She always voices her opinion, good or bad, but if you expected anything else... you don't know Joan Rivers.

On team Athena things were running smoothly on the task. However, every woman knows that 3 girls can't get along. So Melissa Rivers immediately took the attitude that she was working with the "mean girls". Let the whispering and giggling begin.

Annie Duke showed why she is a master manipulator. Brande Roderick played the role of the dumb blond (I don't think she is, but she's way too nice for business). Melissa was the picked on 3rd wheel, put her in a fat suit and have every after school special of the 1970's. As it was she has a foot in a soft cast, and well, very little 'personal power'.

Finance guru Jim Cramer was the guest assistant to The Donald this week. Ivanca was in her ever present seat on Trump's left. I think Jim Cramer was genuinely impressed with the level of pettiness the girl fight went to tonight. Joan Rivers went after Annie Duke the minute she opened her mouth. Donald Trump of course pushed the argument to the point of it getting personal again.

Trump also stoked the fire between Jesse James and Clint Black. Jesse James had called Clint everything including stupid tonight. I give complete credit to Clint Black for keeping his cool. You could see Clint getting frustrated, but he never even raised his voice. Clint Black has passive aggressiveness down to a science.

And Clint Black and KOTU won the task without the help of Jesse James. Clint's charity (International Rett Syndrome Foundation) will receive a check for $20,000 next week.

Jesse James did finally (after being chastized by Donald Trump) give Clint Black congratulations.

Team Athena was on the chopping block. Annie Duke had placed herself in the untouchable position of 'the best friend'. Girls, you know what I mean. In every 3 girl relationship, there is one girl who both the others want as their best friend. The pureness of the pivotal girl's heart is life altering to the other two.

Annie Duke played the self assured go-getter to the tee. Telling both Brande Roderick and Melissa Rivers (in private of course) that they were her biggest help. Brande Roderick, as the PM, was completely happy to let Annie run the show. She did however defend herself in the boardroom vehemently when Jim Cramer got in her face about being wishy-washy.

Melissa Rivers did not fair as well in the boardroom. And it got ugly. Very ugly. Assuming from the start of the task, Melissa assumed she would be thrown under the bus in the boardroom. No matter the outcome of the task. In the boardroom, Donal Trump took the chicken way out and said he was firing Melissa due to he inability to bring in cash donations.

To say that Melissa Rivers left the boardroom in a huff would be.... wrong. She had a full on tizzy fit. Screaming "Whore" and calling Brandy Roderick and Annie Duke "pit vipers", with her mother firmly in tow, Melissa left Celebrity Apprentice. Though she swore to the producers (and swore at the producers) that she would not be back for interviews.... she will. Ready for another 15 minutes.

We won't know for sure if Joan Rivers comes back to the show or not. She said she would not be in "tomorrow". We saw from the previews of next week that she did not show up for the morning meeting with The Donald.

Joan Rivers hissed at Annie Duke, on her way out, "You're a poker player...a poker player... the money you bring is blood money... I know the people you work for in Vegas... it's blood money!"

I think Joan Rivers will be back on Celebrity Apprentice next week. What do you think?

Click here for more on Celebrity Apprentice.

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