TV Review Pages

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Biggest Loser Week 2 Recap: Allie Goes Home First

Biggest Loser Family Cookbook: Budget-Friendly Meals Your Whole Family Will LoveThere are some new twists on The Biggest Loser this season, as promised. There is also another war of the sexes shaping up. The women are always at a disadvantage when things work out that way. The men drop a lot of weigh quickly before hitting a plateau. Allie was the first contestant voted off The Biggest Loser this season after all the men were pronounced safe.

The first twist was the announcement that Jillian and Bob were each allowed to bring back one contestant that did not make the first cut. Jillian chose Elizabeth, the girl with asthma that passed out trying to complete the 500 step challenge to get to the ranch. Bob chose Aaron, the first guy eliminated on the 500 stair challenge with young kids at home. Aaron started as the heaviest contestant on The Biggest Loser this season at 468lbs.
Once the contestants were settled in, the training began. So did the groans, barfing, sweating and crying that makes up the gym at the ranch. All the happiness of being accepted to the show quickly fades, as does the cheering heard from the group earlier in the day. Jillian asked, “No cheering? What happened to the cheering?” Jillian rocks.

Next came the scary doctor visit for each weight loss contestant. Facing reality is never pretty. Allie had weight loss surgery at age 14. The doctor at the ranch made it clear that her doctor was at fault for ever doing the surgery on a child... and there was no follow up care given. Sad.

After only two (shown) workouts with Bob and Jillian, the TBL contestants were told of another twist. There would be a weigh in that night and only 8 of the 16 contestants would be safe. The other eight would have to compete in a challenge with the bottom two finishers being up for elimination. The worried looks told the story.

Here are the weigh in results (remember they have been working by themselves for a few weeks at home before coming to the ranch... or at least they were supposed to.)

Name               Original Wt           New Wt         Total Lbs Lost
Mark                     421                     380                       41 
Tina                     263                     247                       16
Patrick                  400                     378                       22
Rick                      350                     314                       36***
Allie                     322                     305                       17
Frado                    367                     340                       27
Sophia                  272                     258                       14
Ada                      258                     240                       18
Burgundy               231                     219                       12
Jesse                    369                     339                       30
Jessica                  282                     268                       14
Adam                    402                     368                       34
Lisa                      288                     272                       16
Brendan                362                     331                        31
Elizabeth               244                     232                       12
Aaron                    468                     438                       30

After the weigh in was complete, seven women and one man had fallen below the yellow line. I saw that coming from a mile away.

Rick was the overall winner with a weight loss percentage of 10.29%. As the winner of the weigh in, Rick won the the next twist on this season of TBL, the power to save one of the eight people up for elimination. While Rick said he did not want to make things men vs. women at the ranch, he did indeed save the only man below the yellow line, Patrick. Wow.

So only the seven women left would have to participate in a sprint challenge to gain safety: Tina, Allie, Sophia, Burgundy, Jessica, Lisa and Elizabeth. Ada was the only woman that was safe based on her percentage of weight loss.

The rest of the ladies had to sprint for a flag. The one who grabbed it was safe, the rest had to do it again until there were two left. When it was all over, Tina and Allie were the only two left up for elimination on week 2 of The Biggest Loser. Now it was oldest vs. youngest. Tina is the oldest competitor, Allie the youngest this season. The eight contestants over the yellow line were the only ones to vote for elimination.

Though Allie made an impassioned plea to stay on the ranch, the voters did not see things her way. Allie was the first to be voted off of The Biggest Loser this season. I was worried for her.

The update made me feel much better about Allie’s situation. Though she called home and asked that all chocolate be removed from the house for her arrival, she walked in to chocolate on the counter. It was an eye opener for her, she could not rely on her family for help in her weight battle. Allie called on The Biggest Loser Season 8 winner Danny for support and training. She is succeeding. At the time of airing Allie weighed in at 262lbs, a 60lb weight loss. Go Allie!

If you missed last weeks premiere episode of The Biggest Loser, you can catch up with my recap here:

Copyright @ 2008 TV Review

1 comment:

  1. i thought the creators of the show made a poor decision with the contestants with the vast difference in age between the older and younger ones. i thought it would be a much better competition and less discriminatory if the ages were similiar. an older woman/man usually can not compete physically with like younger counterparts therefore i thought running for the challenge was a bit one-sided. i really felt for tina and the disadvantage and unfairness she expressed (even though she was not eliminated). maybe the creators might consider choosing contestants that are more closer in age and not stick in an out-liner or two. don't make for good ratings, at least for me.
