TV Review Pages

Thursday, July 31, 2008

BB10 House Guests Evict Angie 7/31/08

Jessie Proves All Braun and No Brains is True
Big Brother 10
CBS Thursday 8/7c 7/31/08

Every year we think, "That was the stupidest move ever!" Tonight the BB10 House Guests had their moment. After bullying everyone in the BB House all week, musclebound Jessie gets to stay. Angie gets evicted for no reason. Unbelievable.

Angie was a great sport about it.

America's player, the only twist so far on Big Brother, was revealed tonight. Who did America choose to do their bidding on BB10? Dan! Perfect! He looked like he was going to wet his pants. Dan accepted! Yea! My guess is that he will throw the HOH Competition, big time! If you want to play go to the Big Brother link below (goes to CBS/Big Brother page).

The HOH Competition had the BB10 House Guests standing on the ledge of a fake building (about 2ft. off the ground), at a slant. Then they shook the building like an earthquake and rained dirt down on the them. Better add something else or this will take all weekend! Here comes the water and wind and... a giant bird?

That's it for tonight... oh, and Dan complimented Julie Chen, that she looked lovely "Mrs. Chen". Julie corrected him that she is married, but her mother is Mrs Chen. Note to Dan, look at who signs your paycheck... that's Julie's husband and her married name!

For more Big Brother 10 click here!


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