TV Review Pages

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Biggest Loser 10 Week 7: Anna Leaves on Marine Week

Biggest Loser Family Cookbook: Budget-Friendly Meals Your Whole Family Will LoveShortened due to election coverage, the Biggest Loser moved at the pace of a Marine Corps boot camp workout. Good thing, since that was the theme for the week. Teams were taken by helicopter to Camp Pendleton to work out with Marines. Both teams failed at food intake though, and Anna paid the price when her team voted her off.

Teams were whisked away to Camp Pendleton right off the bat. The Marines gave the contestants no breaks. Well, okay, they were likely far nicer and more motivational than when trying to break in recruits. The ‘troops’ were up at the crack of dawn though, and moving nearly constantly.
Jesse was overheard making the comment about the food being served, “...the food here is, um, french toast... I figured I could use the extra calories...” a dire mistake made by nearly all the players this week on the Biggest Loser.

Players competed as teams in an obstacle course at the Marine base. The winning team got phone calls home right there at the beach. The Black team appeared to have a decent lead, but as seems to happen to them every time, something went wrong. Elizabeth lost her wind, completely. The course consisted of a three mile walk, with three major obstacles: crawl under area, move a large truck (by pushing as a team) and move a ‘wounded’ soldier to a medic area. Oh, and they were carrying 30lbs each worth of rocks on their backs total per team.

As the teams headed for home, the Blue team was moving closer... then Elizabeth (who was nearly being carried) passed out completely. The Blue team stormed ahead for the win by a long way.

Back to the ranch in time for a last chance workout with Bob and Jillian. Things looked normal... until we panned to Brendan. Deciding to look like a Marine, Brendan had his head shaved... wow. It’s not a great look on him, and it did not save his team at the weigh-in.

The weigh-in was not pretty, to say the least. Here’s what happened by the numbers:

Blue Team
Mark        336lbs    329lbs    -7lbs
Jessica    244lbs    240lbs    -4lbs
Lisa        244lbs    242lbs    -2lbs
Jesse      296lbs    297lbs    +1lbs
*Aaron    398lbs    384lbs    -14lbs

Black Team
*Ada        211lbs    204lbs    -7lbs
Patrick      337lbs    330lbs    -7lbs
Brendan    302lbs    298lbs    -4lbs
Anna        283lbs    281lbs    -2lbs
Elizabeth  213lbs    214lbs    +1lbs
Frado       294lbs    298lbs    +4lbs

Things did not look good for the Black team as Frado stepped onto the scale. He needed to lose close to 10lbs for his team to win. Frado apologized to his team before his weight was announced, leaving Allison nearly speechless. He said he just didn’t want to see a +6... he didn’t, but wow. Immediately Frado turned to Allison after his weigh-in and said, “There’s no game play here!”

We were quickly taken to the elimination room where the Black team voted to eliminate one of their own. The votes did not have to go far.
Ada voted for Anna
Anna voted for Elizabeth
Patrick voted for Anna
Brendan voted for Anna

By a vote of three to one, Anna was sent home to compete for the at-home prize on Biggest Loser 10. In the update video, Anna is looking good at home. She has begun her ‘pay it forward’ duty from BL10 by starting a stair climbing club at work. Anna started at 330lbs and is down to 250lbs now. She has lost 80lbs (mostly on her own!). Way to go Anna, see you at the Biggest Loser finale!
Copyright @ 2008 TV Review

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